What will you learn
This module enables students with little or no programming experience to get introduced to object-oriented programming using JAVA programming language. It provides a solid foundation to be built upon by those pursuing a software development career.
Course Syllabus:
Module 1: Getting Started
- About the course
- About your instructor
- What you need to succeed
Module 2: Introduction
- Programming and Java
- Programming Languages
- Program compilation
- Program compilation in Java
- Compiling and Running Java Programs
- Video Lecture: Installing JDK and Compiling Java Programs
- Quiz
Module 3: Our first Java Programming
- Our first program
- Printing to the console
- System.out.println();
- Strings
- Escape Sequences
- Comments
- Exercises: Output to the console
Module 4: Data Types
- Introduction to Data Types
- Different Data Types in Java
- Expressions
- Operator precedence in Expressions
- String concatenation
- Variables
- Variable Declaration
- Variable Assignment
- Using Variables
- Declaration and Initialization
- Assignment and types
- Common errors with variables
- Concatenating variables and Strings
- Receipt problem and solution
- Video Lecture: Variables in Java
- Quiz
Module 5: Program Logic
- Introduction to Program Logic
- The for loop
- For loop: initialization
- For loop: test
- For loop: update
- Video lecture: For loop
- Conditional Execution: The If statement
- Conditional Execution: If/Else
- Conditional Execution: if/else if/else
- Video Lecture: If structure
Tomor Pupovci
2-3 week
22 hours of effort
Progress at your own speed
FREE for KosLift students
For the full program experience