What will you learn
The module will teach you the basics of Java programming language and object oriented programming (OOP) concepts which are required for the development of Android applications. Developing applications for Android™ systems requires basic knowledge of Java programming language.
Course Syllabus:
Module 1: Getting Started
- About the course
- About your instructor
- What you need to succeed
Module 2: Android Studio and Hello World
- Install Android Studio
- Create the Hello World app
- Use a virtual device
- Mini Quiz
Module 3: Your first interactive UI
- Explore the layout editor
- Add View elements in the layout editor
- Change UI element attributes
- Add a TextEdit and set its attributes
- Add onClick handlers for the buttons part 2
- Mini Quiz
Module 4: The layout editor
- Change the layout to LinearLayout
- The Layout Variant for Tablets
- LinearLayout
- Change the layout to RelativeLayout
Module 5: Text and scrolling views
- Add and edit TextView elements
- Add a ScrollView and an active web link
- Scroll multiple elements
Module 6: Activities and intents
- Create the TwoActivities project
- Create and launch the second Activity
- Send data from the main Activity to the second Activity
- Return data back to the main Activity
- Mini Quiz
Module 7: Activity lifecycle and state
- Add lifecycle callbacks to TwoActivities
- Save and restore the Activity instance state
- Mini Quiz
Module 8: Implicit intents
- Create the project and layout for implicit intents
- Implement the Open Website button
- Implement the Open Location button
- Implement the Share This Text button
- Receive an implicit Intent
- Mini Quiz
Etrit Tahiri
2-3 week
22 hours of effort
Progress at your own speed
FREE for KosLift students
For the full program experience